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The 90-Day Solution To Help You Return To Lifting Running And High Impact Fitness Programs Without Worrying About Your Bladder
Falling Out.

Watch this video below and discover how to go from prolapse to powerful.

For women who want to get lift, run, and do all of the things without worrying about their bladder falling out

Real talk, you want to work hard and not let your pelvic floor dysfunction hold you back, but you don't know if it's possible to lift, run, or even compete because your lady parts aren't happy when you do.

You've been all over the internet, talked with your doctor, and even went for an assessment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist to get clear answers on how to continue working hard. But you're left with more confusion than what you started with.

You need solutions lasting a lifetime, proven strategies on and off the gym floor, not some 6 week program that barely scratches the surface.

If this sounds up your alley, welcome. You're in a good place. My strategies are simple and the results are unlike anything you will get anywhere else, as you will soon see (and feel)

Chances are you've found the programs, been to a pelvic floor physiotherapist and followed every "expert" on instagram, but still haven't found what you need. Or, maybe you've been able to reduce the occurrence of your symptoms and want to up the ante in your training, but not sure how or worried you may do more harm than good.

You want to get back to the fitness and training you once enjoyed without a second thought. You want the self-confidence you had before your pelvic health was a think or learning these symptoms aren't the "normal" way a woman's body is supposed to function, and you want to have that confidence in your body.

I hear you. After all, managing your pelvic health is more than your symptoms: it improves self-confidence and the relationship with yourself and the people you love the most.

I've been there. Your pelvic floor function is a must when it comes to fitness and every aspect of your life.

You need step-by-step coaching to simplify fitness in mind, body and lady parts

Hey, I’m Terrell Baldock, The Prolapse Coach!

8 years ago, only 12-weeks postpartum with my daughter, I was assessed by my pelvic floor physiotherapist and as she finished up, she says in her wiper like voice, “you have a prolapse”. I don’t remember anything she said after that.

Now I'm coaching women from all over the world including Boston Marathon Athletes get back to running with prolapse without worrying something is going to fall out.

I wanted more out of my body. I wanted more out of my training. But there weren’t any coaches locally who could help me to figure out the best possible ways to manage my prolapse during my workouts.. So I became that person.

Are you done with feeling terrified that something is going to fall out mid-workout?

Then you need...

What's  inside Strength And Lady Parts

A 90-Day strength and conditioning program perfect for women who want to build a strong pelvic floor and strong body
90-Days of direct access to me inside my members only group chat for support, accountability and daily motivation
Monthly coaching calls and 4- week action plan, walking you through how to structure your workouts so that you don't have to guess
24 hour access to your membership site and coaching materials to help you plan and execute your 4-week action plan 
Exclusive access to weekly masterclasses and group coaching sessions to empower you to become the expert in your own body

The truth, most coaches don’t know how to incorporate the pelvic floor muscles into their programming. In fact, most coaches don’t even KNOW what a pelvic floor is because it isn’t covered in any of the mainstream certifications.

After working with women with pelvic health issues for nearly a decade, I've developed a signature custom 1:1 to help strong women strengthen their entire bodies and navigate symptoms MUCH SOONER than the standard recommendations of 3 sets of 10 kegels 3 times a day, so that they don't have to spends months in rehab-land.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be stuck in the rehab bubble for the rest of your life. You can go above and beyond where you were physically before prolapse.

You don’t have to feel stuck in a program you don’t find enjoyable. If you want to get back into CrossFit, bootcamps, or jazzersize, we will make it happen.
You don’t have to be stuck lifting less than 15 pounds (um ok. I have a 30 pound toddler and a 20 pound baby. How is that going to work?)
You don’t have to stick to “pelvic floor safe” fitness programs.  As a matter of fact, ALL fitness is great for your pelvic health!

After working with everyone from first time moms to CrossFit Games Athletes, I've personally helped thousands of women from around the world get back to their high-performing selves with my simple test most effective methods you can't get from a self-paced fitness program.

You'll be pleasantly surprised with just how simple it is to navigate your prolapse on and off the gym floor.

But what if I told you that strengthening your core is a full- body, holistic effort. Not just one single solution. And isn't just about closing "the gap" either.

And this strategy work extremely well for women who don't have these pelvic floor issues, too! This is because of the uniqueness of how the pelvic floor works to strengthen the ENTIRE core system.

Women are generally told to limit activity with pelvic floor dysfunctions by their primary care providers, leaving them feeling hopeless and afraid to move. This can be life-altering, affecting your mental health, physical health as well as your relationships with others.

Seriously. There is nothing more powerful than feeling strong in your body (and mind).

Just ask Kylie who was told to only walk...

Kylie came to me with 3 prolapses (one a grade 3 and was told to only walk. Then she found Strength And Lady Parts!

Now she's matching her husband's heavy lifts with confidence that her pelvic floor is able to meet the demand.

Strength And Lady Parts isn't a quick fix, but a fitness and lifestyle experience for women with pelvic floor dysfunctions who want to get back into high-impact high-impact fitness like weightlifting, CrossFit, running...

So I’m throwing in a few bonuses so that you can feel supported and empowered at any stage of your training.

My Nutrition Remix Intuitive Nutritional System that includes my top nutrition programs like: Metabolism Jumpstart, 5-day Sugar Detox, Easy Meal Prep Recipes, Perfect Plate guidebook, Your Handy Portion Guide, & Your Habit Stacking Guide ($149 Value)
Exclusive Access To My Private FB Community & LIVE Group Coaching Sessions.  When it comes to something as important as your pelvic health, it's nice to know you're not alone. So I'm throwing in bonus access to my private Facebook community and weekly group coaching sessions These live group coaching sessions will be geared towards navigating nutrition and managing stress so that you can see and feel your results without feeling like you're missing out. ($997 Value)
Access to weekly online group workshops and Q&A's to follow so that you can gain access to all of my newest coaching materials. ($997 Value)

Strength And Lady Parts is a 90-day strength and conditioning program for women who want to return to impact, and don’t want to let their pelvic floor dysfunctions hold them back.

Once your payment is processed, you will receive a welcome email and an account set up email from thinkific. When your account is ready to go, you will then be able to start watching though your coaching materials and access your workouts.

Payment plan available.


As soon as you enrol, you will be emailed access to your Strength And Lady Parts Membership site as well as instructions on how to set up your account.

I highly recommend you start with watching through the self-paced training materials and review the training plans to help you set up and plan your workouts.

And when you're ready, you can rotate through the workouts 2-3x weekly.

All of the training programs are full body strength and conditioning program that incorporate the pelvic floor. It’s designed to help you progress to lifting heavy/building strength, improving performance and metcons/HIIT/ & running.

You’re given 2-3 options for each exercise, so if you’re more advanced, you can start with the advanced options. And if you're just learning, you can start with the beginner or middle variations. 

You’re given access to a membership site where you can download/print the workouts and watch through the self-paced coaching materials. Each workout also has a video demonstration and written instructions, so it’s super easy to follow.

Weekly, we will meet up online in a private meeting room for your live coaching sessions and Q&As. This is where I will lead you through a workshop style training and offer support to you to help you maximize our work together. The really nice thing about this is the amazing community of women you can connect and feel inspired by.

Receive daily coaching motivation inside our exclusive Facebook community and weekly coaching deep dives via email to help you feel empowered to keep progressing. This can be an intense journey and I'm here with you every step of the way.

What makes this great is that you can continue working through your current program along side this if you wish. It’s all totally customizable to your needs and goals.

If you're ready to feel brave in your body again, join me inside Strength And Lady Parts now.

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